Add validation file ordering to validation config file
Impose ordering of validation child files
Remove validation file orderingfrom the projects validation config file
Add user information to the projects validation config file to make for easier documentation
Remove user information from the projects validation config file
Get recorded user information from the validation config file to make for easier documentation
Use a Validation Config File Validation configuration for working/output directories, validation report naming conventions, and tracking user information(username,name,title, role). Provides a single location for setting behaviors.
Capture the information on a user that is going to be involved with validation
vt_add_file_to_config(filename, before = NULL, after = NULL)
vt_add_user_to_config(username = whoami::username(), name, title, role)
vt_get_user_info(username, type = c("name", "title", "role"))
pkg = ".",
report_rmd_name = "validation.Rmd",
report_naming_format = "Validation_Report_{package}_v{version}_{date}",
username_list = list(),
validation_files = list(),
overwrite = FALSE
vt_user(username, name, title, role, ...)
- filename
character vector containing filenames in order
- before, after
Optional destination of new filenames, default is end of existing list. Supports <
> functions. Specifying both is error.- username
username of the user.
- name
full name of the user.
- title
title of the user.
- role
role of the user. Can be more than one.
- type
type of information to pull. select at least one: name, title, role
- pkg
where to write config file
- package
character name of package or set validation is being performed for.
- working_dir
character which directory to be have working validation contents that are used interactively
- output_dir
character which folder should the contents for validation output to.
- report_rmd_name
character name of rmarkdown document that is to be used for validation.
- report_naming_format
character a glue friendly string of the naming structure of the output validation report. use
for package name,{version}
to record package version, and{date}
to capture the date the report was run.- username_list
list of user objects created by make_user. Each user contains entries for username, name, title, and role to be used for documentation.
- validation_files
list of validation files: requirements, test cases and test code. Validation report content will be populated using this list in order.
- ...
additional information about the user to be passed into a list.
- overwrite
If a validation file exists, should it be overwritten? Defaults to FALSE.
Used for side effect of adding validation file ordering to validation config file. Invisibly returns TRUE on success.
Used for side effect of removing file ordering information from validation config file. Invisibly returns TRUE on success.
Used for side effect of adding user information to validation config file. Invisibly returns TRUE on success.
Used for side effect of removing user information to validation config file. Invisibly returns TRUE on success.
a character vector length of types requested containing the user information from the validation config file.
Used for side effect to create validation config file. Invisibly returns TRUE on success.
a "user" object
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
vt_add_file_to_config(filename = "myReqFile.Rmd")
} # }
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
vt_add_file_to_config(filename = "myReqFile.Rmd")
vt_drop_file_from_config(filename = "myReqFile.Rmd")
} # }
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
username = "ellis",
name = "Ellis Hughes",
title = "Statistical Programmer",
role = "Programmer")
} # }
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
username = "ellis",
name = "Ellis Hughes",
title = "Statistical Programmer",
role = "Programmer")
vt_drop_user_from_config(username = "ellis")
} # }
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
username = "ellis",
name = "Ellis Hughes",
title = "Statistical Programmer",
role = "Programmer")
vt_get_user_info(username = "ellis", type = c("name","title"))
} # }
package = "test.package",
working_dir = ".",
output_dir = ".",
report_naming_format = "Validation_Report_{package}_v{version}_{date}",
username_list = list(
name = "test",
title = "test",
role = "tester",
username = "test"
#> ✔ Adding "!*" to ././validation/.gitignore.
#> Created ./validation in package structure
#> validation config file created. Add user information through `vt_add_user_to_config()`
username = "ellis",
name = "Ellis Hughes",
title = "Statistical Programmer",
role = "Programmer")
#> $ellis
#> $ellis$name
#> [1] "Ellis Hughes"
#> $ellis$title
#> [1] "Statistical Programmer"
#> $ellis$role
#> [1] "Programmer"
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "vt_user" "list"