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Original Data

unique setcd (set code) in original data

##  [1] "01" "03" "02" "04" "05" "06" "07" "08" "10" "09" "13" "15" "14" "16" "17"
## [16] "18" "19" "20" "22" "21"

Animals taken only from 01, 04, 06, 08 set code (SETCD)

## [1] "01" "04" "06" "08"

Synthetic Data

Synthetic data group by SETCD (Set Code) column

Columns that changed are in blue background.

This is comparison of original data to synthetic data. Since, we just took 4 set code from all the set code availabe, there are lots of empty value if we compare side by side.

Actual original data that we took to work on

only those 4 setcd animals

Synthetic data comparison

Column by Column Comparison

red background data totally removed. green are replaced with skyblue.