0.1.1 - ci-build

ScheduleOfActivityIG - Local Development build (v0.1.1). See the Directory of published versions

Developer Setup


NOTE This is a temporary page - it will not be included in the final IG



  • The repository for this project is currently fhir-schedule-of-activities-ig (it will be migrated to the HL7 org at some point)
  • The documentation is being automatically built and is available here

Installation Instructions (Mac OSX)

  1. Install Sushi
     $ brew install node
     $ npm install -g fsh-sushi 
  2. Install jekyll
     $ brew install rbenv
     $ rbenv install 2.5.8
     $ rbenv local 2.5.8
     $ gem install --user-install bundler jekyll
  3. Update the publisher
     $ ./_updatePublisher.sh
  4. Initial build (this will depend on where you have ruby installed)
     $ PATH=$PATH:~/.gem/ruby/2.5.8/bin ./_genonce.sh

Installation Instructions (Windows)

  1. Install Node
    • https://nodejs.org/en/download/ - download and install the Windows Installer
  2. Install Visual Studio Code
    • https://code.visualstudio.com/download - download and install the Windows Installer
  3. Install Jekyll
    • Follow the instructions on https://jekyllrb.com/docs/installation/windows/
  4. Install Jekyll plugin - PlantUml
    • In a command prompt type in ‘gem install jekyll-plantuml’ (Jekyll needs to be installed for this step)
  5. Install the VS Code extension for FSH
    • https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=kmahalingam.vscode-language-fsh
  6. Start VS Code and open a terminal (CTRL + `) and in the terminal run the following
     $ npm install -g fsh-sushi 
  7. Update the publisher
     $ ./_updatePublisher.sh
  8. Build
     $ ./_genonce.sh

    Development process

  9. Identify a small manageable task
  10. Create a new branch from main using a ‘sensible’ name eg ‘feature/bundle_one’
  11. Make your changes
  12. Run sushi
  13. Run _genonce.sh
  14. Commit your code
  15. Push your changes to the remote
  16. Raise a PR
  17. Merge the PR
  18. Change back to the main branch
  19. Pull the changes from the remote